
Experience unrivalled Gaming PC performance in your favourite games and compete in online action with Gaming PCs from the UK's leading custom PC provider. Our award-winning Gaming PC ranges are built with the latest technology from world-renowned brands such as Intel, AMD & Nvidia, so you can enjoy gameplay in the highest settings possible. Our...

With the launch of Windows 11 in 2021, Microsoft introduced a new feature called the Widgets Panel that hides off screen until the user clicks the Widgets button on the Taskbar or swipes in from the left side of the display. The panel presents users with the latest news from MSN as well as a handful of customizable widgets.

Refurbishing is the way to go if you care about getting the best value. Getting high-quality products that (in most cases) look and perform just like new with a massive discount is a rush, making it easier to keep up with the latest technology.

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